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What are the characteristics of autotransformer?
Autotransformer difference between ordinary transformer is:
1, the primary side and secondary side of the link is not only magnetic but also electric connection, while the ordinary magnetic transformer only links.
2, power through the transformer capacity is composed of two parts: the first winding of electromagnetic induction between the windings and public power, and a winding conduction the direct transfer of power.
3, due to auto-change windings by a winding and the common winding of two parts, one winding of the transformer primary winding turns than the general and the common winding turns and a high current and leakage reactance are generated by the corresponding decrease in auto-change short-circuit reactance X naturally ordinary transformer short-circuit reactance X & Poor's (1-1 / k) times, k for the transformer turns ratio.
4, if the auto-transformer with the third winding, the third winding will occupy the common winding capacity, affecting auto-change operation mode, and switching capacity.
5, due to autotransformer neutral point must be grounded, so that the colonization relay setting and configuration complexity.
6, autotransformer small size, light weight, easy to transport and low cost.
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